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Automatic key rotation on Heroku

November 29, 2019

Automatic key rotation is a simple way of improving the security of an app.

In this example, I have two services running on Heroku. The goal is that the API key in service-1 one can be rotated smoothly (every 2 week), while service-2 uses the rotating API keys to connect to service-1. We will use the Heroku plugin securekey.

Creating the secret

First, we need to add the securekey addon to our app.

# Add addon to app
> heroku addons:create securekey:fortnightly -a service-1

Creating securekey:fortnightly on  service-1... free
Created securekey-solid-14332 as SECURE_KEY

This does two things:

  1. Add an instance of the securekey addon (named securekey-solid-14332)
  2. Create a config variable SECRET_KEY.

# List secret in service #1
> heroku config -a service-1 | grep SECURE_KEY

SECURE_KEY: 3F6D463C2A79289DC5B3C13A4EB2736B0D51A80234CAEAF0EA12D15F12E9FDEE,CF8BBE474F57D9CA1DB402B2D19873E2F05ABED1213256FB761E166A2C8E6EBA

Attaching it to service #2

We can attach this secret to service-2 using the following command. Remember to use the addon instance name (in my case securekey-solid-14332). We can set the name of the variable using the flag --as SERVICE_ONE_SECURE.

> heroku addons:attach securekey-solid-14332 --as SERVICE_ONE_SECURE -a service-2

Attaching securekey-solid-14332 as SERVICE_ONE_SECURE to  service-2... done
Setting SERVICE_ONE_SECURE config vars and restarting  service-2... done, v3

As you can see, both services now share the same key

# List secret in service #2
> heroku config -a service-2 | grep SERVICE_ONE_SECURE_KEY

SERVICE_ONE_SECURE_KEY: 3F6D463C2A79289DC5B3C13A4EB2736B0D51A80234CAEAF0EA12D15F12E9FDEE,CF8BBE474F57D9CA1DB402B2D19873E2F05ABED1213256FB761E166A2C8E6EBA

Key rotation

In fact, key rotation is already enabled! securekey only has one plan, Fortnightly, so all we have to do is wait 2 weeks, and the key will be rotated for both services!

Clean up

Clean up has to be done the reverse way.

First in service-2

> heroku addons:remove securekey -a service-1

Detaching SERVICE_ONE_SECURE to securekey-solid-14332 from  service-2... done
Unsetting SERVICE_ONE_SECURE config vars and restarting  service-2... done, v4

Then in service-1

> heroku addons:detach securekey-solid-14332 -a service-2
     WARNING: Destructive Action
     This command will affect the app service-1
     To proceed, type service-1 or re-run this command with
     --confirm service-1

> service-1
Destroying securekey-solid-14332 on  service-1... done


(Bonus) Graceful key rotation

They key generated above is actually two keys, separated by a comma.

  • Latest key: 3F6D463C2A79289DC5B3C13A4EB2736B0D51A...
  • Previous key: CF8BBE474F57D9CA1DB402B2D19873E2F05...

This can be used to smoothly transition between tokens.


  1. Client tries to connect to the server using the Previous key.
  2. Since the client has the Previous key, this means it has successfully authenticated before, and the server can instead return the Latest key.
  3. This allows client to stay logged in, even while the secrets are being rotated

In my case, my two services are both inside Heroku and I can share the secret directly using the addon, and don’t need graceful key rotation.

Some notes

  • As far as I know, there is no way of triggering the secrets manually.
  • I’m not sure if the secret update is triggered exactly at the same time when a secret is rotated. If uptime is very important, you might want to use graceful key rotation for between Heroku services as well