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Websockets on Heroku

October 19, 2019

Let’s create a simple web server that runs on Heroku and accepts websockets connections.

Setup web server

Before we do anything else, let’s set up a simple webserver using the http router go-chi.

package main

import (


func homeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   fmt.Fprintf(w, "Welcome home!")

func wsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   fmt.Fprintf(w, "Welcome, sock!")

func main() {

   r := chi.NewRouter()
   r.Get("/", homeHandler)
   r.Get("/ws", wsHandler)

   if err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", r); err != nil {

Start the server using go run main.go and go to http://localhost:8080 and you should see

Welcome, home!

You can also go to http://localhost:8080/ws

Welcome, sock!


The code for the base serveris here.

Upgrading to Websockets

Now we can turn one of the endpoints into a websocket endpoint. One of the most commonly used websocket implementations in Go is gorilla/websocket. Some examples here.

Step 1: Create a wrapper for the websocket.Upgrader

type server struct {

Step 2: Turn wsHandler into func (s *server) wsHandler

func (s *server) wsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   ws, err := s.Upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil)
   if err != nil {
      http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
   defer ws.Close()
   ws.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, []byte("Welcome, sock"))

The code above upgrades HTTP connection to use the websocket protocol, handles errors if any and sends a message to the client.

Step 3: Finally, instantiate a server object in the main and use its handlers in the router.

func main() {
    var s server
    r.Get("/", s.homeHandler)
    r.Get("/ws", s.wsHandler)

Testing the connection

To test the websockets, we cannot use the browser directly, or we get the error:

Bad Request websocket: the client is not using the websocket protocol: ‘upgrade’ token not found in ‘Connection’ header

Instead, we can use a command line tool to connect to the server, for example hashrocket/ws.

Start the server again go run main.go and then make a request using ws:

> ws ws://localhost:8080/ws
Welcome, sock
websocket: close 1006 (abnormal closure): unexpected EOF

As you see we successfully received the response "Welcome, sock", and then the server closes the connection. Success!


The code for the websocket server is here.

Deploy to Heroku

Next step is to deploy the server to Heroku, so that everyone can enjoy our websocket server.

Note: this assumes that you have a Heroku account and that you have the heroku-cli installed.

Set variable PORT

The Heroku dynos give can give you a new port every time it is deployed. This means that we cannot use the hardcoded :8080 anymore. Use the environment variable PORT instead.

func main() {
   port, exists := os.LookupEnv("PORT")
   if !exists {
      log.Fatal("PORT not set")


   if err := http.ListenAndServe(":"+port, r); err != nil {

Add app dependencies

Heroku supports multiple dependency managers, but I normally use dep. Initialize it:

dep init

This creates the Gopkg.toml and Gopkg.lock and a vendorfolder with our dependencies like so


More details here.

Heroku configuration

In the Gopkg.toml we add some metadata that Heroku will read

  root-package = ""
  go-version = "go1.12"
  install = [
  ensure = "false"

root-package: the name here affects the binary time. In my case this will cause the installed binary to be called websockets.

install: . is default installation path. If you have a cmd directory you can use something like ./cmd/....

More details here.

We also need a Procfile in the base of the repo that tell Heroku that we want to run a web server, and where the binary is found


web: bin/websockets

Create Heroku App

Create the Heroku app from the command line.

heroku apps:create some-websockets-server --region eu --buildpack heroku/go

This configures it to run on the EU server (US default), and tells it to download the go buildpack.

Next we make sure we link our git repo to heroku, and then we can push the current master to the heroku remote.

heroku git:remote some-websockets-server

Note: make sure to commit everything before pushing.

git push heroku master

Testing the connection again

Finally, we can test the connection again, but this time with the url we got from heroku apps:create command.

> ws ws://
Welcome, sock
websocket: close 1006 (abnormal closure): unexpected EOF

Great! Everything works as expected. If something went wrong, and you need to monitor your deployed app, you can use the following command.

heroku logs --tail -a some-websockets-server


The code for the Heroku app is here.